Fortnightly maritime news for the industry and PortXL community.


BP Marine Unveils New Very Low Sulphur Marine Fuel

The VLSFO, with a maximum 0.5% sulphur content, meets new MARPOL regulations and is being introduced into the market following controlled sea trials in the Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Antwerp (ARA) and Singapore hubs.

Shell Readies Low Sulphur Offering

Following the BP roll-out of low sulphur fuel outlets, Shell has allegedly signed with Dutch tank terminal firm HES International to partially restart a German oil refinery to produce compliant fuel ahead of IMO 2020.

CMA CGM to Test Sustainable Marine Biofuel

Developed by GoodFuels, this second generation biofuel oil is completely derived from natural and waste products, drastically reduces C02 and SOx emissions, and does not require engine modifications.

MSC and CMA CGM join forces Down Under

From mid-September 2019, the carriers will operate a joint service which will return from Australia to Europe via Southeast Asia and the Indian Subcontinent.

Port of Rotterdam Braces for Operations under Brexit

Dutch authorities are taking steps to minimise delays caused by additional customs formalities at ferry and shortsea terminals should the UK leave the European Union on March 29, 2019.

Greek-Owned Fleet Declines for First Time in a Decade

Attributed to unstable market conditions and new regulatory requirements, Greek owners still continue to rule the global roost when it comes to fleet size and asset value.

Rising Demand to Push China’s Chemical Freight Rates Up

China’s increasing domestic demand for chemical shipping is expected to strengthen coastal freight rates, according to shipping consultancy Drewry.