Fortnightly maritime news for the industry and PortXL community.
Maritime shipping’s Moon-shot ambitions
The Getting to Zero Coalition – powerful alliance representing senior leaders within the maritime, energy, infrastructure and finance sectors, supported by decision-makers from government and IGO’s – will lead the push for shipping’s decarbonization with the mutual goal of having commercially viable zero emission vessels operating along deep sea trade routes by 2030.
Decarbonization of shipping has to be done faster, says DNV GL report
To achieve the 50% cut of carbon emissions by 2050 from 2008 levels, Endresen said that the decarbonisation programme must speed up by using coastal and short-sea shipping as a testbed for new technologies and fuels. He stressed that new ships should be “fuel flexible” with a view to “future-proof” the vessels as new regulations are enacted or to meet the challenges of price fluctuations in some fuels.
Shipping associations hold firm on enforcing upcoming sulphur cap
There is a lot at stake for the IMO community here. This regulation affects vessel operations 24/7/365 everywhere on the planet, and it will be expensive. This will be an important test case for IMO member states to demonstrate that they will exercise the political will to implement and enforce the fuel sulphur limits they have adopted.
Floating wind to hydrogen plan to heat millions of UK homes
Floating offshore wind turbines far out in the North Sea will convert seawater to ‘green’ hydrogen that will be pumped ashore and used to heat millions of homes, under an ambitious plan just awarded UK government funding. Deployment of a 4GW floating wind farm in the early 2030s at an estimated cost of £12bn ($14.8bn) could be the first step in the eventual replacement of natural gas by hydrogen in the UK energy system, claimed Kevin Kinsella, director of the Dolphyn project for consultancy ERM.
Van Oord & Shell team up for biofuel pilot for vessels
Together with Shell, Van Oord is testing the use of biofuel on its fleet. The biofuel reduces CO2 emissions by more than 40% compared with conventional marine fuel. This test fits in with the ambitions of both parties to reduce the CO2 emissions in the maritime industry. The first pilot will take place during a dredging project in Germany on Van Oord’s trailing suction hopper dredger HAM 316.
Boskalis breaks record in Oman
Boskalis is currently working on the Duqm Liquid Bulk Berth Project, located in the south of Oman. According to Boskalis, this Duqm scheme is breaking records in terms of both productivity and safety. The challenge there can compare in terms of size and complexity with major projects such as Maasvlakte 2 and Gorgon. The project involves the creation of an enormous port area that will house, among other things, a bulk terminal and a refinery. Boskalis is executing this engineering, procurement & construct contract for the Special Economic Zone Authority Duqm.
Qatar Petroleum & Shell to establish Global LNG bunkering venture
LNG demand for bunkering is expected to grow significantly over the coming years, and Qatar Petroleum expects demand to reach 35 million tons per annum by 2035. The International Energy Agency estimates that use of natural gas for transportation could grow by as much as 14 percent between 2016 and 2022. According to DNV GL, there were 154 LNG vessels in operation and 146 vessels on order as of April 2019.
SHI to develop solid oxide fuel cell powered ships
South Korean shipbuilder Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) and US company Bloom Energy have announced a collaboration to design and develop ships powered by Bloom Energy’s solid oxide fuel cell technology. SHI said it aims to be the first shipbuilder to deliver a large cargo ship for ocean operation powered by fuel cells running on natural gas, which it says will play a key role in helping the company exceed the IMO’s 50% emissions reduction target by 2050.
Maersk unveils digital end-to-end partnership
JDA Software announced that A.P. Moller – Maersk has selected JDA Warehouse Management as part of its digital transformation strategy and efforts to improve supply chain visibility.
Maersk, the biggest container shipping line by market share, will initially deploy cloud-based JDA Warehouse Management in Europe (Gothenburg) and the U.S. (Newark and Santa Fe) later this year.